Thursday, February 6, 2014

New semi-private rooms for group work!

We're pleased to unveil the latest additions to the library in the form of two new "Group Technology Rooms." The rooms are located on the second floor of the library with access available via the computer lab in Room 232. The spaces are designed to be used by groups of students who would like to work in a semi-private space and are equipped with technology that enables group members to plug in their laptop computers (or laptops borrowed from the library) and share their desktops on a large screen monitor. Comfortable seating, large conference tables, and a fresh coat of paint complete the transformation of what once were a storage closet and an outmoded multimedia lab.

The rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis and during regular computer lab hours. Please note the rooms are not available when classes are scheduled in the lab -- a list of scheduled classes is available on the online calendar  and is also posted at the entrance to the lab.