The Normal Dial, an old student newspaper with issues from 1897 to 1899; the Edinboro Normal Review, a student newspaper with issuse from 1902 t0 1911; and VITA, student yearbooks from 1910, 1911, and 1912, have been added to the EUP Archive Digital Reading Room. More will be added as time permits. The Archive is on the 7th floor of the library.
"it's good to see that current generations do not have a lock on odd behavior. This poll from the 1898 version indicates that feeding robins or fondling kittens, seeing crazy people or boys wearing dresses were 2nd and third in rank in order of recollections. Now it's all on youtube!" comment from an Edinboro faculty member.
How about this, from the December 1898 issue of the Dial: "Several intelligent visitors who recently visited the library remarked that it was the finest Normal school library that they had seen anywhere in the state. We are all proud of our library, but we hope to see it still further improved during the year. We certainly do not need to take second place when our large, handsome and well equipped reading room is taken into account."
Click below to access the Digital Library, The Normal Dial, Edinboro Normal Review, or Vita.
EUP Archive Digital Library
EUP Archive Digital Library
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