Edinboro University Of PennsylvaniaWoman's History Month
March is Women’s History month and to celebrate, we’ve made the popular online collection,
Women and Social Movements in the U.S., 1600-2000, Scholar's Edition, freely accessible for the entire month.
A mainstay of women’s history scholarship and teaching in universities worldwide, this online collection is edited by Professors Kathryn Kish Sklar and Thomas Dublin of SUNY Binghamton. This extensive collection of primary historic documents, books, images, scholarly essays, teaching tools, and book and Web site reviews documents the history of women’s activism in public life, and is one of the most heavily visited resources for women’s studies and for U.S. history on the Web. Organized around document projects written by leading scholars, the collection is a powerful research and classroom tool designed to help users develop the skills needed to analyze primary documents and conduct research. Document projects are organized around interpretive questions, each with 20-50 primary documents that address the question. Some examples are:
* How Did the Ladies Association of Philadelphia Shape New Forms of
Women's Activism During the American Revolution, 1780-1781?
* How Did White Women Aid Former Slaves During and After the Civil
War, 1863-1891?
* How Did Black and White Southern Women Campaign to End Lynching,
* How and Why Did the Guerrilla Girls Alter the Art Establishment in
New York City, 1985-1995?
* How Have Recent Social Movements Shaped Civil Rights Legislation
for Women? The 1994 Violence Against Women Act.
The Scholar's Edition also includes more than 40,000 pages of full-text sources, including:
* Proceedings of all women's rights conventions, 1848-1869
* Proceedings of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1874-1898
* Selected publications of the League of Women Voters, 1920-2000
Also newly added to the /Scholar's Edition/ are:
* Notable American Women